Dream of Colors meaning: (Black; Blond; Bluish-black; Green; Maroon; Purple; Red; R…
Dream of Comb meaning: In a dream, a comb represents a good man who strives to help…
Clamor in dream meaning: (Noise; Roaring; Hubbub) In a dream, it means witnessing s…
To see Cloth in dream meaning: (Fabric) Weaving a cloth or hanging it in the open a…
To see Cloak in dream meaning : In a dream, a cloak represents marriage or a child …
To see Clouds in a dream meaning: (Concealment; Gloom; Dream; Life; Rains; Skies; So…
To see Cloven hoof in dream: (Cloven foot) In a dream, a cloven hoof means toiling, h…
Conciliation meaning in dream: (Compromise; Peace; Reconciliation; Settlement) Maki…
Conscription in dream meaning: (Call-up; Draft; Enlist; Military service; Mobilizat…
Cauterize: (Brand; Burn; Castigate; Punishment; Seal; Sear) Cauterization in a drea…
Cave-in: (Earthquake) In a dream, it means a threat by the ruler. If One sees the e…