Carnelian in dream meaning: (Gem; Stone; Semi-precious. Also see Carnelian-red; Ring)
Carob tree: (See Tree)
Carob in dream meaning: (Carob beans) In a dream, carob beans means debilitation or death of a sick
person, whether he eats it in his dream or not. In general, carob in a dream
means destruction and perdition. (Also see Tree)
Carpal tunnel: (See Veins)
Carpet weaver in dream meaning : (Architect; Engineer; Graphic artist) A carpet weaver in a dream
represents a marriage officiant. (Also see Architect; Artist; Carpet)
Carriage house in a dream meaning: (Barn; Byre; Coach; Cowshed; Stall) A carriage house in a dream
represents the assembly place of politicians, leaders, scholars, merchants,
visitors or spectators. The condition in which the carriage house appears in one's
dream reflects the state of such groups of people. (Also see Barn; Stableman)
Carriage: (See Car)
Carrier in a dream meaning : (Driver; Mail carrier; Messenger; Renter) In a dream, a carrier means that
one will recover from an illness, or fall into one, pay for his sins, carry burdens,
endure sufferings, or bring comfort to others. A carrier in a dream also
represents a forerunner, a guardian, a mail carrier, or a police officer.
Carriers of The Divine Throne in a dream meaning : Seeing the carriers of the Divine Throne of God
Almighty in a dream represents glory, integrity, might, unity, affection, concord
and the company of the good ones. Seeing them in a dream confirms one's true
faith, belief and his nearness from the King's intimate ones.
Carnelian in dream meaning,dream meaning,C,Recent,Carob in dream meaning,Carpet weaver in dream meaning,Carriage house in a dream,Carrier in a dream meaning,Carriers of The Divine Throne in a dream meaning,