Who sees the dream, the soul or the self islamic point of view?


Who sees the dream, the soul or the self?,Dream meaning in islam,Recent,

The Soul and The Self Who sees the dream, the soul or the self? People are divided in opinion concerning the subject of the soul (ral!) and the self tnafe), Some say that they are both the same thing (e.g., man and human being), while others hold a different view. The first group argues that the self (nafs) means blood. For example, the Arabs say: "Nafasat- il mar'a,"when a woman discharges blood during her menstrual period. Also when a woman gives birth they say: "Nafsa,"because of the blood discharge that accompanies the delivery of a newborn. They also argue that blood is the only thing that leave sthe body of a decease dperson. Thus, when referring to death, they used the term: "Siilat nafsuhu,"meaning his blood was exuded or that he died. Also in the English language, one can find the term 'bloodless' to mean dead. In this sense, the term nafs is used in the Arabic language to mean life or blood.

Others argued that the nature of the (ral!) soul is cold, and that the nature of the inafs) self is warm. That is why, in their opinion, there was a need to blow the soul into the body to animate it and to give life to it. The Arabs also called the act of blowing, 'Rull.'They say: '~'tahariihan,"meaning blew life into it or gave life to it. In this sense, to blow into the fire means to ignite it, and to blow the soul into the dead bodies means to resurrect them or to make them rise from the dead. Thus, in their opinion, the soul means life. Another group of people considered the soul to be a light spirit, while others may called it an angel or a spirit.

However, despite people's attempts to ascertain such opinions, God Almighty has kept the meaning of the soul in His sole knowledge as He says: ''They ask thee about the soul. Say: 'The soul comes by command of my Lord, and of knowledge, you were given only a little." (Qur'an 17:85)

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